brotherly kiss
by shahaan aziz July 11, 2008
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A word to describe a girl who gets wound up when people say Manchester is an expensive night out and that Liverpool is better.
Manchester is so expensive!”
“No it’s not, it’s so cheap”
“Yeah well Liverpool is better anyway”
“Utter Punny
by PUNNYGAL March 29, 2019
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adj. describing something that is a pun and yet funny
noun. something that is a pun and yet funny
(student 1 turns to student 2)
student 1: I'm tired today
student 1: I think I'm gunna crash in drivers ed.
student 2:haha. thas punny!
by Mr. Pun January 8, 2010
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caring, kind, compassionate
Always willing to give to others
Full of spunk
Punnie serves our country with pride.
by long lost friend February 3, 2010
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A mix between the words "funny" and "pun" to show that a recently said pun was funny.
Mike: Dude did you he the Energizer Bunny was just arrested for battery?
George: haha that's punny.
Mike: No, I'm serious.
by wordfplaysf September 15, 2012
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funny pun funny pun
Kyla: Since it's Tuesday tomorrow... I Tues not to go to school.

Chance: How punny.
by Ciahcra July 16, 2018
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A combination of the words 'pun' and 'funny.' Can be used after a person says a funny pun, or sarcastically if the pun is not funny.
"-he told us ten puns, hoping one would get a laugh. No pun in ten did.

-very punny..."
by easytoremember July 22, 2010
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