Prudence was the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. She is most likely a dancer because she is very graceful, she has so many friends and never wants to be rude to somebody. But when she finds someone who she wants to be her bestie she will do anything good or evil to make them hers. But prudence is very sweet!
“Hey Prue!”
“Hi name”
They proceed to have a short conversation before someone else says hi to Prudence.
by Little1234 January 15, 2021
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The most kick-ass island in Rhode Island. Everybody knows everybody on it and everyone is very friendly. If you live there year-round are are most likely an alcohol. All the teenagers there love to party, and it is known for just relaxing, chillin, during the day and getting as drunk as possible while have the best time of ur life at night.
Person 1: When are you going to prudence next?
person 2: umm, next weekend, how about you?
person 1: same as you. You ready to party?
person 2: yeah i can't wait, its gunna be fucking insane
by RD March 29, 2006
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Prudence is a Beautiful Girl/dog

She is kind and very playful she can be a messy eater it is most likely she is a Capricorn she warms up to people after a while but is sure to ignore them The first and Second time She is truly a girl you want to hold onto PS she is most likely to be nicknamed Kanye West for her attitude and inpatient Nature
John: I met this Girl a year ago she was shy at first but she’s nice now.

Kyle: she’s a prudence dude good find!
by BTSaresmolbeans April 30, 2019
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Aka Nicole Smith.

The name given to a person who shys away from any content of a sexual nature.
Prudence did not want the conversation to be of a sexual nature.
by Kazig January 2, 2017
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Prudence: noun: an old man with a fat hairy gut that must hide his ugly identity from the world and must use a computer to socialize.
"your so ugly and lame and nerdy, just like Prudence"
by Dr.Smith September 9, 2005
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<i>noun</i> - A Prue is someone who is far too selfish and disregards the feelings of others. She should learn to be more mature and take note that others also have feelings. Often refers to others as gay or homosexual. A common symptom of being a Pruedence is the size of ones feet. The smaller the foot, the bigger the Pruedence.
"Fuck, that chick is the biggest Prudence!"

"Fuck that chick just called me gay. What a Prudence!"
by SMALLFEET_PRUE December 7, 2008
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"Dear Prudence" is an advice column on the Slate website. Prudence, or "Prudie", dispenses timely, and sometimes humorous or cutting advice for modern day problems.

There is also a song by the Beatles entitled Dear Prudence, but this has nothing to do with the advice column.
"Dear Prudence;

My boyfriend doesn't want me talking to any of my ex-boyfriends, what should I do?

(signed) Confused"
by TottPaula December 20, 2009
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