Pron = Porn... the 31337 h4x0r d00ds say it with a 0, ex. pr0n
Austin likes to play with his little pee-pee while lookin at pron...
by whawha May 28, 2003
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1.Pornographic material involving Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

2. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers orgy.
1. "Hey, did you see that pron that was on at old boy's house last night?"
"Yeah, that pink ranger has some tig ol bitties!"
2. "What are you doing this weekend?"
"I'm going to a pron."
"Oh. What Power Ranger are you going as?"
by pinkranger December 9, 2014
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type of delicious khmer food totally. totally not lying.
who ever accept this definition gets 1000 years of goodluck
i like pron so much
by kealeang April 1, 2019
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a typo for porn but also used as a "codename" for at such places as: work, school, etc...
hey, dude can i borrow some pron from you on tuesday?
by chode norris February 13, 2008
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hax0r speak for porn, pr0n.
aimless1 has a massive pr0n collection.
by traid June 28, 2003
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(Usenet, IRC) Pornography. Originally this referred only to Internet porn but since then it has expanded to refer to just about anything. The term comes from the warez kiddies tendency to replace letters with numbers. At some point on IRC someone mistyped, swapped the middle two letters, and the name stuck, then propagated over into mainstream hacker usage.
"Man, Jason told me his mom found his stash of pr0n on his computer! That's gotta suck!"
by illEATurHARTout April 12, 2004
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