to exclude somone in a mean way and make them cry
I just noticed my "friends" pull a porty on me
by johnSmithsonian May 5, 2011
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Washington Redskins running back who routinely dresses up in outrageous costumes for his weekly news conferences, as well as playing at an All Pro level throughout his career.
Dude, I totally pulled a Clinton Portis yesterday and put on a wig for my interview.
by P. Ved January 18, 2006
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A running back for the washington redskins. Consistantly runs for 1,500 yards each years and cant be stopped by conventional defensive plays
Craig-Dude! did you see that move clinton portis just pulled on Brian Dawkins?
Nick-Yea, He made dawkins look retarted
by cfoer June 30, 2006
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The best player in the NBA, he currently plays for the Milwaukee Bucks. Many consider him better than Michael Jordan
Bobby Portis is my favorite NBA player
by MilwaukeeBucksFan20330 November 24, 2021
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1.)Phrase used to describe a fucking idiot, accidentally created through a random key tapping frenzy (such as "fdkjghdfkjgh") that resulted in real pronouncable words. The context of this caused it to seem like an insulting phrase, that of which it came to actually be.

2.)Deriving from the words potty and jerk, "Porty jerktle" is a phrase that was used by the Phonecians in 1235 A.D. when they could not find words to describe the stupidity of a young man in their tribe who, while having passionate sex with his fat girlfriend, knocked over a lamp causing the entire town to go up in flames. They therefore took these two words and put them into one phrase to describe this stupid, stupid bitch. Like seriously; "Who has sex with fat girls?", they wondered(they didnt care about the fire, just the fat girl part).
"Victor, you slept with a corpse you fucking PORTY JERTKLE!"
by Rafi_and_Mike November 13, 2005
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A word deriving from the "mexican like" frustrations resulting from language barriers used to express the feeling of being misunderstood or confused. Also used as an interjection to get someone's attention.
John: "Dude, did you just see that guy running down the hallway? What was he screaming?"

by obama25 December 17, 2009
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