1.I funnier way of saying feces

2.Radioactive feces that glows and if you fall in you'll turn into an ***hole literally.
1.Jordan: Eat poo poo you bastard!

2.John Turtle: Oh no I'm fall'n in the Poo poo

John's son: dad I got an A+ on my math test oh no Poo poo
by Sexymullatoboi December 27, 2005
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To ruin someones joy or good fortune.
as in someone trying to slander or ruin a good situation or event for you.
It can be used as expression anytime somebody reacts in a negative way to your good luck or situation.
She was jealous i had a new hot boyfriend...she lied and told him that i was sleeping around behind his back,she was just trying to poo poo it for me.
by munyuck October 13, 2008
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a good 2 seater soprts car that is ruined cause they thought it was a good idea to put 4 seats in it...it wasnt.
yo dude, check out my poo + poo that can't beat yoouuuu !
by me January 9, 2005
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Something that AlbertsStuff from youtube says a lot
"heheee poo poo"
by hellaUgly February 25, 2019
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Another word for the ass (the toliet muscle, the buttocks, the bum, the butt, etc.)
Hold on a sec...I need to go wipe my poo-poo again because it feels unwiped!
by Telephony January 26, 2018
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the best word in the english language and should have it's own page in the dictionary.
me: poo
by ipeemypantsinmyfreetime June 3, 2020
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