1. A (Proper Noun)

A Charismatic sect of Conservative Christianity that places Jesus Christ as man's only means of deliverance from the slavery of sin, and that spiritual gifts to Prophecy, Heal, Discern Spiritually, Speak in Other Tongues; and other attributes such as creativity, charity, and compassion are open to all believers who are in Christ.

A genuine follower demonstrates through continual actions the prinicples of the above faith through love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They have a history of abiding close to moral dogmas that have proven empirically, emotionally, and extraordinarily concrete in Christian Doctrine as revealed in the Belief of Infallibility (inerrancy) of Scripture in the original tongues.
Tom is such a great Pentecostal, he prayed over my illness, helped discern the best choice in a difficult situation, and never fails to laugh, cheer, or love anybody.

Christy is so generous in her support of orphans in the city; she must be a Pentecostal!
by Walt Leiwsky July 1, 2012
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They claim to allow anyone into their church, but they shun or ignore people who do not share their cult beliefs, force women into uniforms, force men to shave or look "god worthy" they home school their children, whom they ignore unless its flop on the ground for god time, and wear skirts and no makeup because they are unworthy of life outside their self abusing religion. It claims the funds and lives of hard working men to fund lazy non working wives who waste money on antiques and the newest home products.....avoid at all costs, execute when legal.
Look at that pentecostal floppin, that stupid bun head skirt tard has a hard on for the holy spirit.
by Pentecostalcultkiller September 16, 2019
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A once borderline cult within Christianity that has made its way into the suburban middle-class mainstream. Their doctrine of salvation is rather contradictory, unlike the Baptists, because they believe in accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior AND living righteously to get into heaven., rather than salvation by grace alone.
by waspcoloredstain June 10, 2013
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look at the skirt on that bitch, i bet she is "Pentecostal"
"her hair is as long as her skirt, Pentecostal bitch"
by fuckingasshole September 9, 2008
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Articles of Faith (in a nutshell):

We believe there is one God made up of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in miracles; we believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the baptizing in the Holy Spirit ("baptism by fire"). We do not believe that one must be baptized in the Holy Spirit in order to be saved. We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and that He is the only way to Heaven. We emphasize a personal relationship with God.
NoobToob is Pentecostal Holiness, and many others.
by Real_NoobToob May 7, 2020
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A loud, long, voluminous, and smelly fart, with reference to Acts 2:1-2 in the King James Version of the Bible, where Jesus's disciples are visited by the Holy Spirit in an upper room: "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting."
She: OMG!!! I've never heard a fart go on as long as that and so loud. Open the windows or we'll all suffocate!
He: Yea, amazing isn't it. Every time I eat curry, I fart like that. I call it my pentecostal fart.
She: You're bad.
He: I know.
by ring-tailed roarer June 5, 2010
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The drink that a pentecostal or otherwise cheap person makes from the free water, lemons, and sugar provided by a restaurant so they do not have to pay for a beverage.
Waiter: What would you like to drink?

Pentecostal: Oh I'll just have water and a bowl of lemons, oh and can we get some more sugar?

Waiter to another waiter: Fuck these cheap asses at my table they are making pentecostal lemonade so they don't have to spend $2 on a drink. Fuck my life and my tip.
by E Dee Luv May 4, 2009
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