Used when "no" is too formal, and "nope" is too casual.

If it's ever capitilized, you're using it wrong.
Police: "Did you kill this man?!"
Me: nah
by ICantThinkOfAUsername June 21, 2015
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What Norman "Nick" says when he ain't feeling it. Shit sounds like a Bugs Bunny impersonation.
"Hey you tryna come pick me up please"
*Bugs Bunny voice* "nah"
by TurnM3Up December 2, 2019
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A Girls private area... Vahina... organ area required for sex.
He touched my Nah-Nah area..
by Lindsay December 13, 2004
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a form of ‘no’ used to piss someone off.

you’re mad at the other person ...
by BOI IM CRINGING May 31, 2018
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No. "Nah" and "no" mean the same thing. "Nah" is often followed by "man." As in "nah, man."
-Person 1: Do you wanna go to the movie theater?
-Person 2: Nah.
-Person 1: Do you want to go strip in front of my neighbor's house?
-Person 2: Nah, man. That's just gross.
by I_Love_Me November 9, 2004
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"NAH" Is usually a response to something "suprising" or something "foul".

"NAH" is quite similar to "BRO" which is used in the same scenario.

"NAH" Is sometimes followed up by "That's Crazy".
Person 1: Look at this.
*Sends video of something suprising*
Person 2: NAHHH
Person 1: Look at this.
*Sends video of something suprising*
by Ruhroraggy April 17, 2023
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