Another word for "drunk", "smashed", "hammered", "sauced", "wasted", etc.

(Usually said while tapping your nose.)
"GUYS LETS GET NOSED!!" *taps nose repeatedly*
by SMC Grad Party July 15, 2011
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to be drunk or wasted, the new word used when describing be hammered. Mainly changed to nosed so parents and other people wouldn't know what your talking about. While saying how nosed you are, or how you want to get nosed you usually tap your nose repeatedly to get across your point.
by thedbiddies July 16, 2011
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Being a nose- A nose is someone getting involved in other people’s business(being nosey)
Keeley is being a nose
by insta-will_zeigne April 14, 2020
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another word meaning getting wasted or sauced. Usually done with party hardy chics.
Are we getting nosed tonight? (while tapped your nose constantly.)
by The Nose Crew. July 17, 2011
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The long thing in the middle of your face. Some people have small ones, some people have big ones (the people with big ones are usually called Dave).
Oh my god Dave, that's a massive nose!
by Colin fallon March 28, 2004
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big thingy on your face used for...

1. smelling
2. drugs
3. other disturbing things
pulling nose hairs is quite painful
by wakalakalover45 March 22, 2005
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Being a "nose" often contains a large expression towards video game characters, anime or even pop idols. You're labeled as a nose if you:
a) Call people gay despite the fact you wear your girlfriends jeans and shirts

b) If you attack people because you simply aren't accepted into a secret or inside joke
c) Who often brings no money to shopping and never pay people back
d) If you pretend to be a video game character or anime character

e) If you become incredibly obsessed with something after doing it for a day
f) If you have a girlfriend and ditch friends for a special "hug" of his ex girlfriend
g) If you commentate peoples lives in third person whilst explaining a situation
h) If you repeat phrases of YouTube videos nobody has ever watched
i) If you call people copycats for wearing black skinny jeans
Two friends speaking about the skating last night.
A: It was really good, I really like the fact that your board has secure trucks
B: Thanks! Could I borrow your skate tool one time?
A: Sure, no problem. Just return it and don't do a nose.

Nose wanders up to the scene, wearing ladies jeans with red knuckles, rolling money around in his hand, wearing an anime shirt, holding Legolas' bow, and charging up to us.

Nose: Nya, does anybody remember that YouTube video when he goes up to his friend and throws a water balloon into the back of his head? It has around 700 views. "I remember it really clearly, it was only a moment when he came up and hit me with a water balloon". I REALLY THINK YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT.
B: Fuck off nose, you're not wanted here.
by Mechagaz April 4, 2015
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