Mota is Spanish for "marijuana", not SLANG for marijuana. Mota is smoked primarily among teenagers, especially those who live in Danville and go to Monte Vista.
"te gusta mota?"
Do you have any marijuana?
by megustamota January 19, 2005
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People that try to roast you or embarrass you in front of girls or friends. This person is insecure of there own well being and usually avoid getting roasted
Bro stop being a mota for once
by Jesse ojo January 18, 2020
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Hey paisas, wanna go buy some mota and get high?
by Shadow December 25, 2002
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Geek/netslang for Member Of The Appropriate Sex.
Most people who regularly use the term "MOTAS" are less than successful in their attempts to pick up a MOTAS.
by steev October 5, 2005
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(The Mystery Of Time And Space)a popular online graphic adventure game created by Jan Albartus.
MOTAS is a hard game.
by hudeanie50 March 13, 2008
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