I have the urge to merge with you
by nicey October 3, 2005
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To merge is an act of strange movement when an object or creature will mysteriously move in a sidewways fashion in a direction. This action is usually seen in a split second as the merging object usually kills or attacks the watching creature.
Watching creature: Wtf that voodoo just merged ten lanes and though my car then it exploded?!?!

by £llis April 17, 2009
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Two or more people smoking marijuana inside a moving vehicle.
Lets merge on the way home.
by Otto November 11, 2006
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A shortened and derogatory word for mergina, analogous to vag.
Joe: I went down to the sea last weekend and got some sweet merg.
Tom: Mmm, I love me some tuna.
by Niles Ward November 5, 2006
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lets merge that way!

merge over there

can we merge to the movies tonight?
by Jo November 30, 2003
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transcedentally high!, super fucked-up, supremely altered on one or more substances!
dude, i saw joe floating around on a magic carpet, i'm gonna tell you here and now, he was merged!
by michael foolsley November 20, 2009
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The act of eating out a dead chick and then pushing down on her stomach so that all of her fluids start flowing out.
Jack was going down on his dead neighbor when I dropped a bowling ball on her stomach. He almost drowned in that mess, what a memorable first merg.
by Jordy31 September 10, 2008
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