I’m sorry for your loss
I love this song
by GangGang4206_9 October 27, 2018
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A word used to state/signify one of the following situations:

A. To be physically, mentally, emotionally, or verbally demeaned in a given situation.

B. To be high on drugs. (Usually marijuana)

C. To be drunk.
A 1. (A man is playing football and is hit so hard that his helmet was knocked off)
Teammate- "You got mercked, dude"

A 2. (A pair of boys are arguing over a girl.)
Boy #1- "Dude, stop hitting on my girl!"
Boy #2- "Man, I gave that girl the clap, have fun with that!"
Bystander- "Mercked."

A 3. (A boy is picking on a weaker child)
Boy- "Look at how small you are! I can hardly see you, little guy!"
Weaker boy- "That's not what your mom said last night!"
Bystander- "Mercked."

B./C. (A man is walking around aimlessly. He sees a friend of his.)
Friend- "Hey man! I think I saw you at a party last weekend!"
Walker- "Man, I went to that party and got so mercked."
by IsHottleThere May 17, 2010
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A word used to confirm that someone has been insulted to such a degree that anysort of comeback is in vain

When a practical joke has been played on someone.

Another use is when you get one over your mates at some sort of game.
Example 1: During a careers talk
James: I want to be an Astronaut Miss...
He is now smug
Miss: Your too fat to be an Astronaut
Andy: You just got Mercked Mate !!! Awww good and proper.

Example 2:
James walks into the room, little does he know that a bucket of water has been suspended on the door-
James is soaked
Andy: Awww you been Mercked matey!

Example 3:
When playing a video game , sports or shoot em ups work best.
James: I m gonna win this game easy
Andy scores a wicked goal in the last minute of Extra time and avoids penalties
Andy: You been mercked , nuff said
by Harvez 88 November 15, 2006
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a verb:
to insult or publicly humiliate someone verbally or otherwise. to make fun of someone. (this definition may be local to DC region)
used similarly to "fry" "own" "jone" "pwn"

Often said by bystanders of the fact:

She mercked you man!


by sidwell May 31, 2008
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A big babushka on a womans crotch
AKA Fur Burger
Dude, I was totally gonna fuck that girl but then she pulled down her pants an she had a huge merck
by David November 19, 2004
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The most based person you'll ever meet. Pretty unlikely that's his actual name.
bro have you ever met Merck? dude's pretty based
by psuedofilipino December 22, 2021
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An alpha male who intentionally goes to a foreign country and baits himself for terrorists to find. He then is taken hostage. Often times they eat their poop and convince the terrorist to harm them.
Once the time is right, they use telepathy to harrass private citizens of their own country which allows them to complete their objective
They receive special authority from their government to complete their objectives
My merck's guy knows a guy who knows some women and children you can use.
by TheJIT September 26, 2021
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