Another word for penis, also what harvey sidhu is
whens this lun pulling up
yo call that lun
by vv_spicetatay October 12, 2019
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Urdu/Punjabi word for COCK. Also called 'Lund', 'Lora', 'Lulla'
Lun pay charo meaning Jump on my cock
by Man from Islamabad November 18, 2012
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"LUN" is an acronym for "Link Under Name". In a blog such as Tom Maguire's Just One Minute, when a poster puts LUN in his or her comment, you can click on his or her name to follow the link the commenter is promoting.

This is a shorthand way to point other readers to another web page without having to understand how to use html to properly format links.
Obama lied again! LUN

(where clicking the name of the commenter takes you to the link showing the latest Obama lie)
by JOM hit and run April 27, 2012
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Ancient Japanese word for a man with a giant penis and good sexual skills. He is normally a great lover and an excellent kisser.
by John-stevens December 30, 2019
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Originally a Cantonese nickname derived from the name 'Alan'. Lun has ties to the male phallus, but this has yet to be proven. Commonly used to express frustration, or used in conjunction with "face" (Lun-Face) as a generic nickname for Seniors in the IBDP. More creative interpretations have included "Luncaster", a wizard who casts Luns instead of spells in WoW. Often used in conjuction with Jing, creating many comic examples of verbal abuse.
1) Stop being such a lun face and integrate e^(x).
2) Wah Lun! Thats a shitload of work!
3) Lets just lun EE and play halo with us.
4) Stop lun-ing volumes of revolution and get your ass over here.
5) T-man: WOW! Thats very Lun!
Ranger: Thats what she said.
by Andrew Tong-Goh-Kim October 7, 2006
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A friend that’s as fake as Kim Kardashians Butt.
Lun: I don’t have your phone

None lun: then we’re is it
Lun: JK I have it
by Tfytcojbi r December 15, 2019
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