The stank ass area in between a females legs that will dissolve your penis if inserted.
I stuck my dick in her loins.
by stank loins July 14, 2008
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a woman who has a well trimmed pussy, and lucious, moist, vaginal lips to accent her grooming. Very inviting and attractive
This girl had the most amazing fur loin I have ever seen! I could have lived down there for a year!
by TeamJimmy October 31, 2009
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"Would you please shut that damn kid up?!?
Your loin trophy isn't as cute as you think he is."
by John Salat May 9, 2008
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When a female's genitalia become moist or wet due to sexual arousal, she has the loin sweats.

Perspiration of the female genitalia due to arousal.
Lisa: Oh my god, that guy is so hot. Just look at him!

Sara: Yeah, he gives me the loin sweats.
by swolcken August 10, 2011
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When a woman is in an optimal state of arousal.
Petunia has frothing loins for Melvin.
by jrm402 September 10, 2010
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A phrase coined to be an abbreviation of "Let's dip to the loin." Dip meaning to go, Loin being the tenderloin neighborhood in San Francisco (a very drug and depravity infested area.) It has taken on just about every other meaning possible, but typically it just means "let's go get fucked up." Other Examples: The loins of dippage, the dipartment of homeloin security etc. This is a locally used term in P-town (Pacifica) California among drug addict kids. fashadidayadidadoh.
"Ey, if I was a Jew in Auschwitz... I'd dip loin dip."

Doctor: "It's time to administer your anal treatment"

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A sexual position in which one gets absolutely railed in the backseat of a blacked-out Tundra, directly under the power lines at the Canadian border.
Aiden gave me the Power Loin last night at the border town. It was so hot.
by Misfit_mystic April 26, 2021
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