Used to describe someone or something that is useless.

An insult.
You’re not even the lint on the 50-year-old doormat on my great grandmothers back porch!
by Wennie July 14, 2004
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Something that is boring;awful;shit
I hate going to school because its so lint
by SLAM February 7, 2003
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common word for money, something you spend
Damn, that chain cost hella lint.
Dude, that guy has so much lint.
by kwoka January 28, 2005
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Lonesome pints: going for a few pints on your own, a time for quiet reflection.

"Are we going for a few beers later?"
"Nah, I think I'll have a few lints instead"
by TheRavenPrince February 27, 2019
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Lonesome pints: Going for a few drinks on one's own. A time for reflection

See also: Guyints
"Did you go for drinks last night?"
"Only went for a few lints; Well needed"
by TheRavenPrince February 27, 2019
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