This word is basically the pronounciation of the AOL instant messanger slang "lol" which means "laugh out loud" but it is much more than that.
Popularized by PurePwnage's very own Jeremy (the pwnerer), people now use the word "lawl" in every day speech. The more a's in the word, the funnier it is.
"Look at that total n00b wearing highwaters, lawl!"
"hahaha, girls are making fun of him and he's running away, laaaawl!!"
"Oh my God, he got hit by a truck and he's either dead or gonna be a vegatable for the rest of his life, laaaaaaaaaaaawl!!!!"
by Brian H October 12, 2005
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"lol" but when you say it out loud. you can also say lawlz, which is "lolz". LAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWLL!!
Maya: The teacher does not look good with a beard.
Jamie: I KNOW!!
Maya: I'm gonna get him a razor and shave cream for christmas.
Jamie: LAWL! you SO should!
by jamielovesmaya December 31, 2008
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Phonetical spelling of lol or "Laughing A Whole Lot"
1:I pwned them so hard last night!
2:LAWL, you wish.
by Nanaki May 31, 2006
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Lawl, as in lol in a sarcastic way in some cases. Lawl can also mean Laughing A Whole Lot.


Ex 2: haha, that joke that guy told me was so funny i was lawl.
by Nathansanch November 11, 2007
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1) literally the sound when saying lol out loud
2) defined as "laughs at weird loser"
Person A: George Bush is one sexy beast. Literally.
Person B: You made me lawl.
by Baka-desu May 16, 2007
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The primary code of conduct amongst trolls. For example, it is against the lawl to troll another, esp. well-respected troll, or to pass off another troll's jokes or tactics as your own.
As said by an elder troll, "Your disregard of the lawl has left me no choice but to strip you of the rank of "troll". You are doomed to spend the rest of your internets life as a Trollkin."
by McDaddi November 6, 2010
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