A french person who drinks too much cheap wine and passes out in a boat, only to be discovered in Quebec.
May also refer to someone whose cousins are married.
I'm from Quebec
Actually born there, or did you pull a Boates?
by Pete Peters January 16, 2009
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usually a dodge car that has a lot of hp but a lot of body weight
you that srt over there, yeah thats just a boat
by njcnjfsjsdvnjd February 16, 2022
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Title of a great song. (Lonley Island and T-Pain. If someone says this they are either listening to the song; is on a boat;or"im so good you cant touch me" or "im on roll" kinda thing.
(Someone is on fire in a basketball game) "DUDE,YOUR ON A BOAT!"
by NikkiStatic February 27, 2009
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the act of a blunt or joint burning faster on one side than the other.
Fix that blizzy because it's boating.
by Sir Moist July 11, 2008
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Dude, you a boat!
Thats a boat right there
He was a boat at last nights game.
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The act of physically beating someone with your penis.

If the target of the boating is seriously injured by the act or killed, boating should be displayed in bold or capital letters, or if spoken, it should be said with extra emphasis.
Having run out of ammunition, the soldier was forced to take his enemy boating.

Stanley was not known for his boating skills.
by chigger254 November 16, 2011
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