When the amount of money saved equals or exceeds the cost of an item or service, usually through an extended period of time.

This is very often used as a means of promoting a good or service, such as gutters, food processors, juicers etc. As in:

"Now with Debby Meyer's green bags, you never have to throw away your produce due to spoilage! Produce lasts up to 7 times longer, saving you money and time. This product nearly pays for itself!"
Because Jack bought a home coffee grinder, he can grind his own beans at home! He no longer has to buy more expensive pre-ground coffee, so in essence his new machine pay(s) for itself.
by johnny mc awesome August 19, 2009
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The famous quote said by none other than legendary Hans Niemann himself who will go on to becoming the world's first Ultra Grandmaster in chess.
Interviewer: Hans, yesterday was a terrible day for you, and today, you start out with a masterpiece. How would you summarize it?

Hans Niemann: Chess speaks for itself. *walks away*

Interviewer: is it something special doing this against Magnus, Hans? *cricket noises*
by Sheriff Stealth September 16, 2022
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( for a problem) to go away on its own, without you putting in the effort into solving the problem
The problem of smurglaries will not deprive itself of oxygen until we reinstate bail. :(
by Sexydimma January 12, 2022
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When you forget that the word "dissolving" exists.
Charlotte: *puts an aspirin in a cup of water*
-20 secs later-
Shirley: 'Ey Charlotte, how is the aspirin 'doin?
Charlotte: *forgets the word "dissolving" exists* Shirley, it's still thanosing itself.
by Chardino August 5, 2019
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Technical term for frequent computer behaviour when running Microsoft Operating Systems, often accompanied by a blue screen or memory dump. Will often happen just before saving work or towards the end of a large download.
Usually remedied by liberal application of the three fingered salute.
Crap on crap! the MS box has shit itself again.
by Blue Cawdrey November 19, 2004
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The phrase you say when you have no solution to solve the problem, so you believe that it will resolve itself without any work on your part.
Person One: Did you remember to do your homework for Trig?
Person Two: No, but it'll work itself out.
by Jimmy S January 11, 2004
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quit bullshittin and give me a blowjob
Frosty and Dianna are laying in bed naked. Frosty looks over and tells Dianna "hey it aint gonna suck itself".
by MytyMohr April 29, 2008
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