Spanish-language expression meaning:
a) Kitchen boy. The guys who clean up the Chef's mess and scrub the frying pans and carry stuff around. In this context it's still used in Spain.
b) In Mexico, it's an all-purpose insult enhancer, which would be roughly equivalent to the use of *fucking* in English. If Jay (Silent Bob's hetero life mate) spoke Spanish, he would say *pinche* A LOT.
Pinche is strongly associated with cursing in Mexican Spanish and the very moment you use it gives you away as a Mexican national. So you pinches gringos take that into account if youre trying to pass for an Argentine or whatever.
c) In Mexico, it's also used as an adjective to describe something as insignificant, lousy, miserable or worthless.
a) Se solicitan 2 pinches de cocina medio turno. (2 kitchen boys are needed for half shifts)
b) Pinche gringo culero ve a chingar a tu reputisima madre! (Fucking gringo asshole go fuck your loosecunt cocksucking mother!)
c) Tu pinche hermana está bien pinche, wey. (Your fucking sister is so fucking ugly, dude!)
by Hugh G Rection April 8, 2005
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Refers specifically to eviction from rented residential property for failing to pay rent.

Occasionally, landlords will warn their tenants who are behind on rent with this euphemistic term.
The landlord is going to "pinch" the tenant for not paying rent.

During the recession, lots of people cannot afford their rent, so they are being "pinched."

He is behind on his rent; therefore, he is facing "pinching."

According to some interpretations, the song "Pinch Me" by the "Barenaked Ladies" uses this term with this meaning. The narrarator is unemployed and cannot pay his rent, and he is resigning himself to his inevitable fate of homelessness.
by Bed Time November 29, 2009
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Vinny shot the guy in front of a dozen people. He was sure to get pinched.
by Anonymous September 9, 2003
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Spanish for fuckin, to 'enhance' adjective, not sex
Parate, pinche idiota!
(shut up, fuckin idiot!)
by LoLo November 24, 2004
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Grabbing chewing tabacco with your thumb and index finger and putting it in your mouth.
by Anonymous May 2, 2003
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