some type of sex or sex noise
by Anonymous October 20, 2003
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1 n: someone who is ready to get naked

2 adj: naked to satisfy the likes of others
Hoey took his clothes off for Shannon.
by joey prock December 2, 2003
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emily- look at pete wentz and ashley simpson!
caitlyn-what about them?
emily-they are getting their hoey on
by hoelland October 3, 2009
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An unusual moment or inarticulate fail that is normal in the day of a life for Hoey.
person 1: "Damn it, I was playing baseball and I struck out against somebody who doesn't even pitch."
person 2: "Wow! What a hoey moment."
by hoey_moment September 1, 2021
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Hoey chloe is a person named Chloe who steals your man and then fucks him. Usually doesn’t brush her teeth and everyone doesn’t want to touch her.
Damn Hoey chloe tried to touch me today and I dipped.
by What’supbitchhhhhh October 22, 2017
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A revolutionary era gay prostitute who moonlights as an assasin.
by Chalupa Batman September 9, 2018
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Sophia Hoey is the best person you will ever meet. She is my best friend on the face of the planet. She is beautiful but she doesn’t know it. She is funny and caring and sarcastic but understanding and mature. If you ever meet the beautiful young woman, Sophia Hoey, never let go of her because she is the most fanominal person you will ever meet and the best friend you will ever make! Never let go of Sophia Hoey, because you will regret it if you do. Sophia Hoey, if you are rwsding this, just know it’s your best friend. I live you so so so much!!!
Boy 1: Hey, bro, who’s that hottie over there
Boy2: That’s Sophia Hoey, man
Boy1: I’m going to go talk to her, she’s so pretty
Boy2: well don’t you dare mess it up, cuz she’s really wanted!
Boy1: What do you mean?
Boy2: everyone wants a Sophia Hoey in their life, but they’re pretty rare
by You know who it is babes October 13, 2017
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