This phrase can mean a lot, perhaps to much. In some circumstances it can be the same as 'have it' but of course 'having it' is somewhat in the present tense.

So perhaps think of 'having it' as a outburst response to having extreme fun, mostly summoned for circumstances of a sexual, drug consuming, party time!
Fucking sweet to the eye balls buddy, I'm having a great time in fact you could say I'm fucking 'Having It' !

I guess I should get my ass in gear, strike up a fattyboombatty and start fucking 'having it'

Shitballs! I heard you had a proper session last night with the local hooksta!
lol, yeah she was fucking having it.
by dat-ting June 13, 2007
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property or belongings. Always used in the plural form.
He has a lot of havings.
by uttam maharjan December 12, 2012
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hard to define. you say it when something is pleasing or good. eluding to something good also in response to something someone else says. Originated in the Mid-West
guy 1: "i'm gonna totally hook up with this hottie tonight" guy 2: "have it"

"whoa, look what i found. half off fazoli's coupon's! have it."

"i'm gonna go beat off"
"have it."
by Tony November 12, 2005
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Having it self explanatory. have it, when you win, have it when u got something good, have it when u win in beer pong, have it a little too many. have it all day everyday. the question is do you have it?
1:hey guess what man?
2:whats up man?
3:Frat party this friday
4: F*ucking HAVE IT!!
by You Gatta Have it September 3, 2008
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The act of owning or maintaining control of a person, usually for the purpose of having sex or bringing unusual physical or mental harm to that person. This Phrase Was Coined By Richy Rich of Eagle City Music Entertainment In Beaumont, TX.
Log-On To or get HAVED Hoe
by RichyRichMusic May 20, 2011
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A term used to describe a beautiful woman (8.5-10).
Rather than say I would like to...
or I wish i could...
You say Have as in I have....
I saw this total have today. A real 10!
Oh snap! Look at her.....Have.
by Ninjetti October 24, 2007
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mawq: siga do you want to go outside and have?
siga: i fucking love to have.
by mawqandcheese October 23, 2011
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