A tiny stupid idiot. It has a major food addiction consisting of unhealthy food aka chips. It has many problems in general but overall a terrible thing. Plz like this for good luck 👺
by August 28, 2022
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Sexiest people alive

They can easily talk to anyone, always ready for fights,if they love someone they never leave them,

They got huge dicks and can easily attract anyone.
Joly- who's that sexy boy.
Annie-you don't know him he's harman.
by Kylie junior November 24, 2021
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known for their big thick dicks,can eassily girls,

love for sports is common in them,
Sexy and Daring can try anything ,
usually rich.
Mariya-who's that sexy boy over their?
anny-you don't know him he's harman he got a big dick to.
by marriya November 24, 2021
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A tiny stupid idiot. It has a major food addiction consisting of unhealthy food aka chips. It has many problems in general but overall a terrible thing. Plz like this for good luck 👺
by August 28, 2022
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Harman means a stupid person who tries to act smart in front of everyone.
by Urban_Dictionary_Coadmin November 23, 2021
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Harman is a gay, fag that is shit at call of duty and boosted to get dark matter and does have a life
by Wally nomad November 30, 2018
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Harman is a very annoying and loud girl. She also has a huge ass and usually has crushes on boys with their name starting with K and S.
Girl 1: is that girl crazy?
Girl 2: yea, she’s just a Harman
by sagie tiitz November 22, 2019
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