the unpleasant feeling you get when you wake up after a real barn burner drinking binge, basically, you drank so much alcohol they are going to name a holiday in your honor...but the price you pay for that drinkathon is pure feel like someone dragged your tongue across a pine forest floor, your hair actually hurts, your eyeballs look like a road map, your throat is dryer than the surface of the planet Mercury...
dude 1: " holly crap man, you look like shit! what did you do last night? "

dude 2: " I don't remember anything..shut up and go get me a twelver...I have a massive hangover."
by Dan'l D October 29, 2009
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The feeling you get after drinking too much the night before. Nausia, headache, and groginess are common effects of a hangover.
"I've got a hangover after all that beer last night!"
by G Money December 9, 2002
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A chemical imbalance in the brain which produces notable physical discomfort. Can be caused either by too much alcoholic consumption, or too much sex.

Some people prefer water, tea, black coffee (ok, ok, _espresso_), Peptol Bismol, "hangover helper" pills, and the like, but the only real cure for a hangover is time.

Symptoms: headache, physical weakness, extremely upset stomach, and vomit all over the new carpet in your bathroom.
"I stay sober to avoid hangovers."
by handle187 November 7, 2003
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A splitting headache and the shits that you get before you start drinking, again.
Person 1: Last night was crazy, but I've got an awful hangover.
Person 2: Quit bitching and drink this 40.
by Dave from ATL December 25, 2007
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1) A throbbing pain in the head

2) The pissed off feeling of finding an ugly fat woman with genital crabs laying in your bed after you realize your head hurts.
That was a terrible hangover - it took me 2 hours to drag that fat whore out of my apartment
by sp0rk July 10, 2003
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It means that you were or I was drunk YESTERDAY.
I have a hangover due to my drunkeness yesterday.
by Jack Black September 29, 2004
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