n. Slang term for eating a girl's poop, generally administered during sexual encounters.
Dude, I totally ended up hooking up with that girl last night. Guess what that led to? BULGARIAN GUNPOWDER BABY!
by NegativeGobstopper October 3, 2009
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here's to pussy n gunpowder one brought me into this world the other will take me out and i love the smell of both (brandon being classy)
by C Robb March 3, 2006
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When two people shoot each other at the same time
Detective, how did these men die?”

“Clearly this was a classic gunpowder handshake.”
by Mothman probably September 11, 2023
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A response to somebody back seating and telling you to do something that is completely obvious.
"Hey shoot that guy! He drops loot"
"Really? Did you know you can combine gunpowder to make ammo?"
by TheCallMe January 25, 2022
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a game similar to Russian Roulette but with Rifles and different rules
rule #1 the Rifle holes need to be next to another one
rule #2 they have to blast into eachother until they one of them turns into Powder
rule #3 the gun that has been turned into Powder first has to be snorted by the opponent making the opponent win
Daddy: Salty pig! what did i tell you about throwing crack at your Little Brother?!
Salty: shut up! Fatass
Daddy: i'll show you a Fatass!
Both: loads Rifel and start playing Gunpowder Overdose
by the German Horse Worder December 9, 2021
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