"That was a griz i just put into your vagina bitch."
by kayteabeezy April 22, 2010
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To involuntarily scream “Slaaaaayeeeer!!” upon hearing Slayer played or seeing a fellow metal head in a Slayer t-shirt.
“Dude! You totally Griz’d that guy!”
Excellent Griz’ing!”
by Shitehawk666 July 22, 2021
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used to define : hot items, cool shit, new stuff
That shit is Griz! them shits right there is Griz!

or u could also use it as : Wus Grizzin..Or wus griz..
by Killakerv January 16, 2006
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A lot. Large amount.

Like a grip, or like a group.
There was a griz of cops at that party.

I got a grip load of cheese for the tacos yo'!
by bbygurl:) June 15, 2009
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He was a Griz for throwing away his money into the river.
by EssGee March 16, 2003
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the rough hair on a girls pussy when she didnt shave for a few days.
eww girl i dont wanna see your griz.
by jizmeister May 1, 2006
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Damn, why do griz coook so long
by gk339 August 21, 2009
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