The overwhelming desire to choke the everliving shit out of some asshole who desperately deserves it and TAKE THEIR SHIT!
You were beaten down by Greed
by Corporate Greed February 3, 2010
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Sexually interacting with another individual , with no intention to go any further than a hookup or one night stand. Commonly practiced by fuck boys and sluts. Greed can also mean inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort.
"Tom: Sally is so hot...I'm going to try greed her at your party."
"Eric: OMG you greeder! "

"Jack is so greedy, he never shares his centrelink money."
by greeder69 August 10, 2015
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1. The pursuit of things that one already has an excess of.

2. Not wanting to use any excess of something to help mankind in anyway other than benefiting or bettering themselves.

Also one of "The 7 Deadly Sins."
The billionaire often criticizes the Salvation Army because if he donates money (which he will NEVER do) the donation will not be in "his/her name" and the Salvation Army will get the "credit" for his donation.

The billionaire is greedy for a non-greedy person would not care as long as it would go to the betterment of a person in need.

In an extreme case of greediness the billionaire may try to make it seem like donating to the Salvation Army is a scam and they keep the money for themselves.
by TheLightDreamer December 22, 2011
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a combination of the words "Great" and "Weed" that when used right can sound super badass
Me: Let's go smoke some Greed
by UndeadxPuppy November 18, 2010
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1. A term usually used in gaming of which refers to trying to use your abilities to get more resources quickly
“I starting greeding in my btd6 game by placing more banana farms
by Deathfinder January 4, 2021
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Levy, Abrahmovich, Glazer, Mansour, Henry, Kroenke
The top 6 Premier League owners are greedy b***ards
by Jonesy2003 April 19, 2021
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