To kill someone in a massively multiplayer rpg, usually by dishonorable methods. Used extensively in World of Warcraft.
Playerx: "Oh man, that rogue totally just ganked me in STV!"
by Matt Gronke June 22, 2005
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"The opposite of schwagg."; being uncomfortably weird.
Quit being a gank.
by The Great Dark February 1, 2015
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1) To filch (presumably a portmanteau of "grab" and "yank").

2) To playerkill in an MMORPG.

3) To insult or slander.
"I ganked a bag of chips out of the break room."

"Why do his characters keep getting ganked?"
"Beats me."

"I don't have any proof yet...but I think Brent has been ganking me."
by Qit February 26, 2004
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a person with loser-like qualities who does strange things and is very self conscious
i just tripped over my shoe strings i'm such a gank
by theofficialgank February 2, 2015
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v., to steal from or snatch from in a blatent fashion
Hey! That guy just ganked my wallet!
by waffle of waffles December 6, 2008
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to steal.
I ganked a bar of candy from the corner store.
by elia April 11, 2003
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Steal something, but generally in a harmless way.
Dude, I ganked a beer from your fridge.

Lemme gank a dollar, so I can get a pop. (The use of "gank" instead of "borrow" implies that there will be no payback.)
by Rico Detroit March 2, 2008
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