fundamentalist. Especially Christian and mainly "non-denominational" and "born again" -- that is, "taken Jesus into his/her heart as his/her 'personal savior'" (saved from?!??) -- Usually pejorative -- used as a negative (as entries at this site show). Often used to express frustration with people who are unwilling to actually debate, especially with regards to religion.
It looks like the fundies are back in the news; this time they're trying to bring prayer back in public schools.
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Person who believes the universe was literally created in 7 days, despite the fact that "day" is a unit of time dependent on the not yet created earth and sun, and time itself cannot exist independent of the not yet created space time continuum. Usually interprets scientific evidence to the contrary of his/her beliefs as Satan's trickery. Suspicious of gaining new knowledge, as it might lead down the road to hell. Typically believes every negative headline is more proof of the impending rapture.
I wonder if that fundie knows the Book of Revelations predicted the fall of the Roman Empire and not the end of the world?
by TPSY December 9, 2006
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1.) an absolute moron, a politically driven imbecile responsible for many embarassing practices of present and past in America including, but not limited to:
-omission, distortion and/or misrepresentation of evolution and other scientific theories and practices
-promotion of integrating religion and religious prejudice into the American government
-intolerance to many groups that conflict with or contradict their beliefs such as:
--atheists/agnostics/non-"born again" Christians
--homosexuals and others with non-heterosexual orientation
--independent/progressive thinkers
-racial segregation
-racist lynch mobbing and other related crimes directed against specific races
-protection for those who commit such acts mentioned above (ie. by FILIBUSTERING anti-lynch laws all the way into the 1950s)
-promotion of Nazi-esque policies
-anyone who agrees with the lunatic on
and so on.

2.) an embarassment to America.
If you're not a fundie born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being.
--Jerry Falwell, a fundie himself
by hash14ultimate October 28, 2005
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n. Short for fundamentalist. A person who generally holds to extremely Protestant-Christian, social/moral right-wing ideas. Often associated with the more evangelical denominations of Christianity.
They're all such fundies, it's hard to have an objective, open-minded discussion about any religious issue.
by Bad Grammar Must Die April 2, 2003
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All of these definitions are tantamount to racism.
Democrats lose elections because they suck the fuckin ass,period!

It's not because Republicans are doing anything special.It's simply that Democraps are pure fuckin horsecrap!
by fuck off ya racists February 17, 2005
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A youtuber furry which makes minecraft youtube video's.
I have watched fundy before
by God_Of_Nothing September 24, 2020
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