Verb. The state of which an individual is extremely high on some form of mind altering substance but not outwardly displaying any sign of being completely burnt to others... until that individual attempts to make conversation or takes a stab at small talk...this attempt is not recieved well by others . At this point, people can make the correct judgement of that persons is throwed the f#ck off!! He seemed like he had his sh#t together until he openned his mouth and floods the room with ignorant and ill timed bits of nonsense that seemed to have no end. Thus he is frittered.
I couldnt tell lowell was frittered until he wouldnt shut the hell up talking all that irrelevant dumb sh#t.
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Genreal insult for someone making a fool of themselves or doing something embarrassing.
by PossumP April 30, 2010
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The sexual act of shoving a deep fried pastry, commonly named a fritter, up into the vaginal orifice of a female, and the subsequent act of eating the pastry from the vagina.
All I can think about at this donut shop is going home and frittering you.
by battlecat316 July 26, 2013
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to be stoned, or otherwise known as high. fritterland is the place where all those who enjoy being frittered originated. marijuana is also known as fritterboles.
"Dude, i'm so frttiered." or , give me some of those fritterboles. haha, it's a fritterbole bowl." or. " i do believe that the magical land in Jades crotch in the AFI video 'Girl's Not Grey'is infact fritterland."
by Reiann September 1, 2003
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(plural: Fritters)
n) a portmanteau of Friend and Twitter - essentially, a Friend on Twitter.

Likely, this friend is either of the wrong age or lives too far away to be a real life friend, but is someone who you can constantly have tweet-based conversations with.
"So I was talking to one of my fritters the other night..."
"Oh, my best fritter posted this awesome link..."

example_user: Goodnight #fritters! It was good talking to you. I <3 my fritters!
by isthiscanon October 7, 2009
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some type of german dessert...but my friends refer 2 it as r boobs!!! ya!
damn i'm so jealous of your big fritters
by toriborifori...idk September 14, 2007
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To randomly procrastinate more than you have been.
I am seriously considering frittering away a few hours playing on PS3.
by dmann1982 April 12, 2010
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