do you know Jessie Frazier?

I think so, isn't she the one obsessed with burgers?
by a team February 11, 2015
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a small town at the top of a mountain, going up the 5 freeway going from la to bakersfield... the FP heezy mountains, snow, beauty all around. good friends, good memories, good times. mountain parties, meteor showers, friends, family, fun... home
OH, i think this is it, just past gorman, theres the jack in the box... must be frazier park!
by SK shorty fizzle August 26, 2008
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Another word for a gecko. Usually used in towns along the Delaware. Usually refers to the geico gecko, but a connor frazier is almost always used to replace the word gecko.
by connor frazier gecko March 24, 2011
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When A Female Gives A Man Oraral Sex and She Attempts To Mess With With His Anus,Thus Resulting In Getting Smacked Upside The head.
Yo! The Bitch Tried Fuckin With My Ass So I Put Her Ass In The (Brown Frazier).Also Smackin A Woman While She Gives You Head.
by Stevie B. October 8, 2004
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Audrey Frazier is my girlfriend. She has a very nice booty and i love her sm. She makes me yelp when she pinches my balls.
Hey guys did you hear about how Alex bagger audrey frazier the hottest mf around?
by daddydearing03 July 10, 2021
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The young woman whose eyewitness video of the George Floyd killing by former police officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020, became a crucial artifact of American history.
Only 17 at the time, Darnella Frazier is to the Floyd killing what Abraham Zapruder was to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, an accidental bystander with a camera, a vital witness to an historic moment. Ms. Frazier's video of the arrest, which recorded Floyd's plea - I can't breathe - as Chauvin knelt on his neck for more than 9 minutes, sparked protests across the country. A witness at Chauvin's murder trial, Ms. Frazier expressed regret for not physically confronting Mr. Chauvin. “It’s been nights I stayed up apologizing and apologizing to George Floyd for not doing more and not physically interacting and not saving his life,” Ms. Frazier said.
by Monkey's Dad March 31, 2021
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