being called SEARS is to be called a TOOL.
I met up with my friend Peter Brody and i greeted him with "Hey sears how ya doing?"
by SOOKMEDEEK December 7, 2011
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1. A store at the mall that nobody plans on visiting on purpose.

2. Also an acronym for Specialty Electronics And Random Shit
1. Person1: Hey wanna go to the mall?
Person2: Sure, any store in specific?
Person1: SEARS!
Person2: Actually, I can't go anymore something came up.

2. You go into SEARS for one thing and you come out with some Specialty Electronics And Random Shit you don't ever need.
by Turtle916 May 15, 2017
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The Act of a teacher having sexual encounters with a student in a vehicle at home or in the classroom.
Wow I knew That teacher was Pulling a Sears on Stephenie after school
by monkey fly December 8, 2011
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Derived from the latin "Ceer" meaning "Man with micropscopic penis who interferes with gerbils"
Look at that transvestite guy over there, he's molesting a goat....bloody Sear
by Loaf October 17, 2003
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When an attractive female ditches you on a date.
Oh man, last night was horrible. Julie seared me after half an hour!
by Derek February 5, 2004
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A pig faced monkey who has no luck with women.
by TidusUK June 5, 2003
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A unit of measurement equal to the height of the Sears tower. Can be used to define both vertical and horizontal distances.
It is approximately 350 sears from vegas to San Diego if you travel by RV.
by Mark Markham January 26, 2005
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