The phrase used during anal by the giver to tell the taker they wont pull out so the taker can fart.
As used in jail:
Inmate #1- Dude pull out I gotta fart.
Inmate #2- No way man your gonna have to fart around it.
by gimpfeet April 15, 2009
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A term that baby sitters use to describe what the kids are currently doing.
"I'm tired of those kids farting around, I hope they like booger sandwiches."
by Teevo March 25, 2008
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v.the act of creating a biohazardus situation in the room one is occupying.
Steve was farting around the room and it had to be evacuated
by Jake October 27, 2003
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I dunno the real definition, but I guess it's "being an idiot", or "being naughty".
1.Stop farting around and help me out here!
2.What are you doing? Farting around again!?
by TRH October 28, 2003
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Self exlanatory. Happens to the best of us
Hey ! Go to the bathroom. You've been farting around a shit all morning.
by Rob dog wolfe January 28, 2017
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