The one you will always love but can never be with.
Funny, the wise one. A true rock legend.
Beautiful inside and out.
My elephant juice
Ewen I forever
by Juilet2022 June 19, 2022
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Swedish last name also Mac Clan. Royals and government
MR. Ewen has a beautiful sister doesn't even realize she's part of the Mac Clan and protected.
by UNIQUELYU March 28, 2023
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Ewen is from Bretagne, he is friendly, cute, but also slow-witted. This is because he has small balls that look like hazelnuts.
squirrel 1: ohhh look at those hazelnuts, they look tasty !
squirrel 2: you're dumb, this is Ewen's balls.
by sausage1982 November 23, 2021
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Ewen is always packing 4 inchs, he's emo, and watches anime. His balls are way bigger than his dick. And his younger brother is sooo hot.
Ewen is so goofy ah
by cornbread hyakk April 1, 2022
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