A technically advanced manouver involving swinging your nuts and nob back and forth and when they are on the way back you (gently) close your legs leaving a fruit salad at the back and a mangina at the front... ("look m'a no hands!")
Refer one of Jackass volumes (dont remember which one)
by Midget October 11, 2004
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when a male bends over a moves rapidly back and forth and positions his cock between his legs, looking similar to a dogs nut sac.
by unknown June 7, 2003
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An insulting term for sexual intercourse. Used by Shakespear in Othello.
Roomate: Oh crap dude! We need some kind of signal like a sock on the doorknob or something. I cant believe I walked in on you and your girl making the double backed monster.
by scott trowbridge June 9, 2006
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A euphemism for coitus. This form is more common in popular culture than the original two backed beast. Predates Shakespeare.
Double backed beast... "These two did oftentimes do the two-backed beast together, joyfully rubbing and frotting their bacon 'gainst one another, in so far, that at last she became great with child of a fair son, and went with him unto the eleventh month; for so long, yea longer, may a woman carry her great belly, especially when it is some masterpiece of nature, and a person predestinated to the performance, in his due time, of great exploits."
François Rabelais (c. 1494 - 1553)
"Gargantua and Pantagruel"
by banquo_lives January 11, 2009
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Double penetration involving a snake. Pleasure is derived from the snake's flickering tongue and rattle.
"Yo, I heard she did a double backed snake. Son."
by PandaFace March 27, 2007
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to use both hands at the same time to smack someone across the face from both sides and once. then coming back to the face and smacking them witht the palm of your hands. see also back-hand.
He pissed me off so bad i had to double back-hand him.
by Amanda Knight April 30, 2006
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the look and sound of two people having sex that leads others to assume there is a double backed monster in the bed.
i walking in and it looked like there was a double backed monster on her bed.
by bnt07 November 22, 2011
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