The are of letting someone else have your way.
"She decided to be diplomatic and let him buy the diamond necklace that she really wanted." "Well that was mean." "No, that was diplomacy."
by crash01 February 24, 2010
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A foreign policy that centers on a head of state bowing to other nations in order to get a better deal as their slave. Popularized by Donald Trump and the Republican party of the 21st century
Donald Trump initiated his doctrine of Bowing Diplomacy when he bowed to King Salman of Saudi Arabia.
by knunchunks August 29, 2018
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When seemingly important overseas diplomatic talks are initiated to detract from what’s actually going on at home.
His repeated engagements in ostrich diplomacy is starting to wear a little thin.
by Dr Bunnygirl February 28, 2019
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The act of shooting a possible hostile instead of using diplomatic reasoning to avoid conflict.
The Leader of the country used Sleuth Diplomacy to avoid confrontation with his foreign peers.
by sloothofsloofs July 28, 2009
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The ability to tell a man to go to hell and have him looking forward to the trip.
irish diplomacy.....
by david36 November 11, 2008
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1. A form of negotiations where heated lead is exchanged instead of heated words.

2. Negotiating in which one side gains leverage by threatening violence.
1. Once they found out I turned them over things got rough but I got out ok with a little shotgun diplomacy.

2. Either you give me the money, or I have Bruno here use a bit of shotgun diplomacy on your ass.
by Ecks Romana April 9, 2009
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"Facebook diplomacy" is so called because it is, like real diplomacy, the building and maintaining of relationships, except it is done with facebook instead of in person, over the phone, or using any other traditional means of communication. Facebook diplomacy usually consists mostly of exchanging wall posts with other people.

Unfortunately, given that the nature of facebook is devoid of meaningful substance, facebook diplomacy is often just useless banter and/or not thought out or cohesive. A person might have a lot of facebook diplomacy with an acquaintance that they don't really know, which will often boil down to an essence of nothing more than "what's up?"
College student: "Man, I've got eighteen new wall posts, I've got some serious facebook diplomacy to conduct."

College student: "That girl from class just friended me. She seems cool, I think I'll do some facebook diplomacy and get to know her a little."
by Mister Big Words February 1, 2008
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