Set transparent criteria and guide lines for market entry and exit
by Set a transparent criteria and September 13, 2018
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That homie Joe has never been near a Criteria let alone know where it is. Someone get this man some coordinates
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No need for a definition here.. All you need to know, is that you do not meet it.. Nice try, dreamer.
There is specific criteria you must meet in order to qualify for the darwin of the year award. And you do not want to meet it..
by MadMushroom400 February 1, 2022
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Knockout criteria that suddenly appear during the assessment of a project. These criteria have never been seen or mentioned before said assessment and if they are not fulfilled will result in a failing grade.
Teacher: "If you don't have a presentation by tomorrow, you'll fail this assignment"
Student: "This was not in the initial assignment, it's an Incidental Criteria"
by JustFOff July 1, 2021
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