A blow job with pop-rocks in the mouth of the person sucking.
Steve: Dude! have you ever thought of having someone giving you a blow job with pop-rocks in their mouth?!?!

Daniel: You mean an Alaskan Cornucopia?
by Siegeis April 25, 2010
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The act of sticking your penis in the ass of the man in front of you, and taking the penis of the person behind you into your ass, forming an almost immaculate conga line.
"Hey Bill, you wanna go to the cornucopia parade with us?"
"Nah man, my girl pegged me last night it would ruin the while vibe."
by Chimken-Tendies October 5, 2021
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An assortment of toppings on a hotdog, which, taken together, are not associated with a particular city or region of the United States. Can be consciously used to foil a hotdog geography test, or may simply be the toppings a particular person prefers.
I couldn't tell where she was from, since she put ketchup, sauerkraut, and peppers on her hotdog. That's what I call a hotdog cornucopia!
by The Fourth Man in the Tub February 27, 2011
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A word we only pull out at Thanksgiving. It's a giant, pointy basket just chock' full of fruits n cheeses.
The mouse and the may flowers and the cornucopias.
by mareoraft April 27, 2016
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When someone puts foods, especially apples, oranges, and turkey into their asshole until it is hella stretched and completely full. Someone then eats it all out. If wanted, you can combine this with a kentucky klondike bar to devastating effect.
Man, i'm really hungry AND horny, you up to let me eat your cornucopia?
by TheFatMan667 November 9, 2019
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Horn of plenty. Not a basket of fruit. Cornucopia is actually the name of a musical instrument that would cause exponential growth and abundance for the individual who blew it. A farmer would have a good harvest. A doctor would heal multitudes. People would happily give all their possessions to a thief who blew on Cornucopia.
The sound was the only thing he could hear, the last thing he would ever hear, but still he pressed Cornucopia against his lips and blew his last breath.
by Krank Mythos February 16, 2022
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