n.- The opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which bits of corn are eliminated from the body.

aka: bung-hole
"To soothe my 'corn hole' after taking painful shits, I use Preparation H!"
by Tate Donavan November 14, 2003
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the squaw said to the john, "front hole: money hole, back hole: corn hole".
by sphincter boy toy July 29, 2011
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I stuck my penis in Karlys corn hole last night my balls flopped against her hot tan ass and I cummed in her asshole then i took it out and there was shit on my dick but i dont care becuase she is hot as hell.
by og mudbone24 November 24, 2009
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A game played by teams tossing bags of sand toward a ramp with a hole in it.

It can also mean anal sex which can be very confusing.
Georgie: "Do you want to play corn hole with me?"

Me after thinking about meaning #2: "No way! But I'll play the bag toss game with you."
by Apeortdz May 23, 2021
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the orifice on your body where number 2 and 3 come out
My corn hole burns from the massive shit I took. It was runny and had chunks in it.
by Jess Avila January 5, 2006
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