An insecure person with serious issues, who thinks they have to control people all the time. If they are not in control, they panic and grow angry and aloof. They have the it's-my-way-or-the-highway philosophy. In love relationships a control freak often tries to control his woman out of insecurity and lack of trust.
My roomate is a control freak and somehow thinks he is my father. He asks me where I'm going, who I'm meeting with, what I'm doing, when I'll be back, what I'm looking at on the internet, tells me how to wash the dishes and how to load the dishwasher, and even questions my spending habits. His serious control issues are making me want to move out.
by May 24, 2008
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1) One who seeks all control in a relationship; One who insists on making all decisions.
"Tonight, honey, we're having meatloaf, whether you like it or not."
by Foo November 16, 2003
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Someone who is really into video game controllers. These people love to customize, mod, repair and collect video game controllers.
Dave: Yo you got a lot of custom gamecube controllers

John: Yea I'm a a bit of a controller freak
by Capt_ZzLAX October 19, 2018
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Person who freaks out when a word isnt urban or is a person's name that is posted on this website.
QCF:"WAAAAHHHH,That word isn't urban!"
by ---- January 28, 2005
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someone who gets so violent with video games that they bust their controller on a hard surface after something goes wrong in a game
son:"dude I die to a mp5 again, *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* FUCKING NIGGERS *BANG* *BANG*....... aw fuck... I broke it. MOOOM...I NEED A CONTROLLER" mom: "get a fucking job you controller freak." son:"SHUT UP WHORE"
by xXtrafloverXx November 21, 2021
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control freaks is generally females who put their selves in positions of power to abuse it, and they get off issuing orders, bossing people around and controlling them. basically just another form of a huge bully. only thing that gives them that power is money, what if they met someone who was strong and cared not for money and made that horrible mistake?
i cant believe i got to stop coming to my favorite chill place amc theater, because of this control freak, and now everyone stop going here becaause of all these control freaks.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 24, 2022
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