An Alaskan coiler is a poop so large that it coils around the toilet bowl and protrudes the water.
"Bro, clear the F out. I'm about to pinch off an Alaskan coiler"
by butt cheeks. September 23, 2015
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You'd better chop that three ring coiler up before you flush, or the toilet will back up for sure.
by jorgorthebarbarian August 23, 2009
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Coined by a scholer who we will refer to as 'BN'. A Double King Coiler or (DKC) for short is when one needs to take a larger than normal 'number 2' most likely after a meal of butter chicken (no veggies). What usually follows is steamed up glasses.
Wow, that lunch was filling, I need to take a double king coiler!
by Dumb Dumb October 25, 2007
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My stomach started rumbling half-way through my shower. I didn't want to get out then start the shower over so I just dropped a Moist Coiler right next to the drain.
by Tommie Tank July 21, 2022
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A definition coined by a kid we will call DD in southern ontario, a large soft serve dookie that coils up in the toilet
Dave left a huge king coiler on the hood of that parked car!
by kielbassa June 6, 2016
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