A very cute, amazing sweet, Big hearted, loving, Godly girl
always doing what is right, and so cute all the time. modest on basically everything about her, loves sock monkies, and her family. <3 :)
you are a very chynae type of person!
by Anthony Frail July 9, 2012
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a girl filled with swag and skuxx, shes the best person you will ever meet :)
by peter chesworth December 18, 2013
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A kind-hearted girl who can be cute. Nice figure and easy to love. Shes pretty, kind and flexible. A lot of people love her. She’s gifted with a blessing as beautiful as her. She’s kind to u no matter what. One of them ones that will always give u another chance.
Chynae is a gifted name.
by Quxxn.slayyyy January 13, 2018
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A beautiful, smart, understand, cute girlfriend and the realist friend she loves to hard and been through alot but shes still there for the people she love even if they are not there for her, find you a chyna and you will fall in love
Person 1: i need someone to talk to

Person 2: go talk to chyna i promise you will be smiling after
by Babydyke16 April 25, 2020
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she is hot as hell really sweet she is really loyal and super kind she will always be by your side. She will want to talk to u all the time and wont ever stop talking to u. don't ever avoid her or she will get really mad at you and will probably avoid u for a while until u try and talk to her. she is very stubborn at times and bossy but she can be really hot when she is.
Chyna is one of the nicest girls u will ever meet.
by Wolf9023 March 11, 2023
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Chyna is a clown
'Oh that's chyna? I heard shes's a clown
by HenrySlater October 7, 2020
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