To "chooch" is to masterbate using your tears as lubricant. Usually done by leaning over to drop the tears on your junk while masterbating.
After the funeral I went home and had a good "chooch".
by Yeti / Wendy July 9, 2009
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originally used by Italians to mean someone cheep, this word became mainstream and now is used mock somebody you don't like

it has no real meaning
Hey, ya chooch give me my shit back

That teacher is such a chooch

Do you see that chooch across the street, I don't know him but I hate him
by rano July 13, 2004
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one who tries to get away without paying or is always a few dollars short. Someone who gets off cheap.
That fucking chooch didn't leave a tip!
by e lofter September 24, 2003
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the nova scotian slang for “vape”. i’m from BC so i don’t understand it, but there it is ladies and gentlemen
normal person: hey dude can i hit ur vape?
nova scotian: what’s a vape? do u mean my chooch? sure!
by idunnowhattosay October 2, 2019
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Catcher on the Philadelphia Phillies. The man behind Roy Halladay's perfect game and the best damn catcher in baseball.

Derived from a Panamanian swear word ('choocha') he was often heard uttering while he struggled through the Dominican League.
*Carlos Ruiz hits a home run

Phillies fans: CHOOOOOOOOOOCH!

Announcers: Those are not boos, those are chooch calls!
by buddhasack69 July 23, 2011
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aspire breeze with really berry 35 nic by naked
pass the chooch
by thiccboi45 October 8, 2018
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paul shllaku is a chooch
by ryandarossa3 January 19, 2011
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