A rapper's source of power. The sunlight to his birdman. Without a chain of platinum/gold/diamonds/bones, a rapper sloses his ability to drop tight flows over phat beats. The is an absolute necessity, and its importance should not be taken lightly.
Ludacris once said, "Some people ask why there's a skull on my chain, it's 'cause I LOVE gettin' head."
by Don "Magic" Juan June 8, 2006
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a unit of currency equivalent to ten racks or $60,000 USD
Yo that bot spent three chains on his new whip and crashed it as soon as he backed it out. God damn.
by JShizzle from Troy January 30, 2019
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Following related links on websites like Wikipedia or YouTube after you look something up until you end up on something completely unrelated to what you were initially looking for.

As a verb: to chain
"I went to look up the Columbia shuttle disaster but after an hour of chaining I somehow ended up on Elizabeth Bathory."

John: Did you get that report done?
Steve: Nope, I wasted the whole night chaining on Wikipedia.
by Xeno the Blind April 19, 2008
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A chain is a unit of length; it measures 66 feet. The chain in wildland firefighting is used as the measure of the rate of spread in chains per hour.

It is also used a lot by the USDA Forest Service by hand crews to see how far they have dug line or how far they have to go.
"How much farther are we going?"

"About 4 chains." (264 ft.)

"The wildland fire is spreading at 40 chains an hour." (2640 ft. or 1/2 a mile in 1 hour)
by Alistair MacIlherron September 24, 2009
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Someone that continually scrunches their face when focusing on hard (to them) and complex tasks.
He gave me the chaine face when he couldn't figure out the answer.
by captain scrunch! June 2, 2009
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A word for spray painting if there are younger kids around.

Or just a general term that’s shorter to say.
“Dude did you see that chain?”

Yeh bro it was wicked”

Kid - “what do you mean? What chain?”
by Imthaturbandictionaryperson February 6, 2018
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When you are your 13 year old girlfriend are hookinup and y'all start getting to frisky so your braces get stuck together
I was hookinup with Sally and we got chained
by Backseat Flat Stanleys January 31, 2017
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