Contraction of 'BL'og and fl'UFF'.

A weblog filled with nonesense or discussing circumstances that are so very specific that nobody could ever benefit from reading the weblog.

Can refer to whole blog sites or to specific blog posts.
Informative: "The blog entry was exactly as Jane said, just bluff with no real value".

Sarcastic: "More bluff, as if there ever was something useful in what they post in this blogsite".
by mmmna July 31, 2009
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marijuana, pot, hash, ganja, weed...
"why da fuck am i so damn grogged?"
"you been sold some pure disco shit bluff my friend"
by +Fizza+ July 20, 2005
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1. Noun. A region in northwest Atlanta, Located west of Georgia Tech and roughly 10 blocks to a side, bordered by Bankhead Highway, North Avenue, Ashby Street, and Simpson. Known for high crime and drug activity, especially "boy", a.k.a. heroin. Xref: bankhead nigga
"I thug, I tuff, I get paid from the block to the bluff."
by James P Brawley March 20, 2005
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1. A specific area located in Northwest Atlanta west of Georgia Tech and the Georgia Dome, roughly ten blocks square to a side with Northwest Highway, Bankhead Highway, Ashby Street, and Simpson Road as its traditional borders. Known for its high crime rate and illegal drug activity, especially Boy, or heroin.

Xrefs: the phrases Bankhead Nigga, Boy, and Georgia Dome all originated in the Bluff.

2. More recently, a generic term for any urban high intensity drug trafficking area in the Dirty South.
"I thug, I tuff, I get paid from the block to the Bluff." (From the Rap Song "Too Addicted")
by James P Brawley March 21, 2005
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A term for someone who doesnt do what he/she says they are gonna do or misleading, also known as EvaSu
Randall: Yo she said she was gonna bop me off?

Chucky: Did she?

Randall: Nah she was bluffin...the usual
by GetMoney44 July 28, 2009
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A person who is both Black and Buff (strong). Taking the Bl- from "black" and the -uff" from "buff." Hence the hybrid, "Bluff"
Jimmy: Wow that guy is Black AND Buff, no homo.
Chris: Shh, he might hear us. Let's call him a bluff and he'll never know.
Jimmy: You're so smart Chris, and you're totally not fat.
by Pito201 July 18, 2009
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A animal or human who might run at you or in a way threaten you but do not go though
Oh that heifers fine she only bluffs.

That chick ain’t gonna hurt you she’s just bluffing
by Cattywampus human April 14, 2020
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