70's jive term for brother. Derived from blood = family. See Flying High the movie for an example.
"Sup Bleed?"
"Nuthin. Hangin low and lazy baby."
by Professor J January 20, 2006
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To use or participate in an object or event for an extended period of time.
DAMN! Mike Lever bled his chordstick last night!
by KingTT July 3, 2003
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To shoot and kill someone with a firearm.
This dude killed my homie, im gonna bleed him!
pow pow pow pow pow!
by Sage McCalister March 15, 2005
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A mild word often used as an adjective to emphasise dislike or negativity in relation to something else, comparable to bloody
"We're having a terrible time with them bleeding rats" - Monty Python's Flying Circus, episode 21
by Xenophilius July 28, 2007
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past tense of "bleed",

used by Justin Timberlake in an attempt to rhyme with "cheated" in his powerful song "What Goes Around Comes Back Around"
"When you cheated girl, my heart bleeded girl...
and it goes without saying, that you left me feelin hurt"
by Nigerian Hotness May 25, 2007
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