hipster for shitty restaurant with ok food
Theres free wifi in the bistro cafe so we can instagram our meals.
by lord farquad the tall December 26, 2013
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Ass Bistro, when a single person or multiple people accidentally inhale a fart.
When there is a person behind you and downwind of you, you purposely fart and get either a hilarious reaction or a angry one.
Person 1 "haha how was the Ass bistro"
Person 2 (starts crying) "terrible"
by Jrlawrence October 19, 2014
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You wrap roast beef around your penis and put a condom over it. You fuck the girl in the ass and let the gravy spew out.
How about we go get a Brazilian Bistro from the neighbor
by The Pope JK September 30, 2009
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Some horrible food they use to feed the south lake football players and it made them lose every game
Bro the south lake bistro killed solid D
by Soild D June 3, 2020
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The old swanky bistro, Going down on 2 fat chicks while masturbating to skinny chick porn on the television
ah man I got so drunk last night I had 2 rhinos take me home and give me the old swanky bistro
by scizorcrow@yahoo.com October 30, 2010
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