Binni is a nick name for Commenly Nordic Boys who are named Brynjar or Brynjólfur

Brynjar is an ancient name wich in old norse means armor
Hey Binni get your ass off the computer and help me out with this drunk girl
by Keflavik Sveinsson April 1, 2011
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1.) noun- hot chick with low self esteem that smells like sweaty balls

2.) verb- You've been "binnie-ed" ...a girl with stanki pants left them on your face after a wild party
by Dudeboy 1232 September 14, 2007
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Usually a cutesy word you'd only use around your significant other.
A: What's wrong, Hun? You don't look so good...
B: Yeah, got a binnie ache
by LordDeathKill May 10, 2007
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A Binnie is a pelican like bird a with an exceptionally large ski slope like nose on the front of his face, who likes the word vet, and to "play" with animals. Also a bird that gets very excitable in cars. Loves to cum along on drives, rates a minor, commonly owned by people named Peter.
1. "Here that guy looks like a Binnie! He has a massive nose."

2. "Stop going all Binnie in the back of my car please!"

3. Man 1: "Aw where is it your gran lives again? Musselborough?

Man 2: "Is there not a Pelican nursery there?"
Man 1: "What's a pelican, the one that looks like a Binnie!"
by Qawsedrftg1234 November 18, 2014
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A parody of Bugs Bunny who speaks in broken English in YouTube videos.
Bogs Binny speaks in broken English and is good friends with Dolan, Gooby, and Dafty.
by Sage Tuemelle November 16, 2014
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Binny-Nunny is a spontaneously named bird, as by Daniel our two year old son. Thus any bird you dont know the name of becomes a binny-nunny bird. Binny Nunny has now entered the language of our household and is spreading to other unknown items. Thus you can attribute the phrase "binny-nunny" to any unknown item, hence binny-nunny book, binny-nunny machine, binny-nunny cocktail, etc etc,
Looking out of the window we saw a binny-nunny bird, hey whats that binny-nunny book your'e reading.

The goverments using a binny-nunny machine to control our lives.
by Daniel Christopher Kelly January 8, 2006
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