another slang term for taking a dump, probably more so appropriate in naval/military settings. See bombing mission and deploy some troops.
Colonel, sir, I need to conduct an amphibious assault.
by DocP October 21, 2006
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A woman who exhudes sex appeal on both land and in water. She has an innate ability to look like she could be either from the sea or from land. This is similar to a mermaid yet they are even better because they also walk among us.
Guy 1:"That girl sitting in the park is so damn sexy!"
Guy 2: "I know bro, I also saw her at the lake yesterday. She's definitely an amphibious goddess!"
by Challbaby82 June 28, 2016
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What happens if a tank or PC is shot up and/or killed by a another tank or PC that is hiding in the water. Such as in any war game played online.
Person 1: Daaah use your 50 cal to kill that PC.
Person 2: Damn I'm dead.
Person 1: lol PC killed by amphibious mmm means
by awwmaa daah June 7, 2009
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an elderly nigga with a 3rd grade education whom is accountable for all slow walking, fast swimming niggas from the south atlantic.
shazaam went to talk to jamel the commanding administrative executive officer of the amphibious turtle smurfs to find out about an open postion to join the useless squad.
by shnarf May 26, 2008
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Millennials that can speak and understand Gen Z slag along with their meme culture.
"The funniest thing is that... I understood and followed it. -'Me too. What does that say about us? Guess we are amphibious millennials'"
by HogmanTheIntruder May 6, 2023
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Frog butt. Sagging over weight, older female buttocks.
Wow she has a serious case of frog butt, scientifically known as Amphibious Buttocksous !
by Frogman19985 November 11, 2010
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The amphibious watermous is a name for the female vagina, the most wonderful thing on earth.
The amphibious watermous is a wonderful species.

by trail_boss2 November 18, 2009
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