Aluminum chloride is the partially neutralized form used in cosmetic antiperspirants, while aluminum chloride hexahydrate is among the most effective antiperspirants currently available. It's chemical formula is AlCl3 and has a solid, white or pale yellow appearance.
Patient: "Doctor, can you diagnose me with Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate?"
Doctor: "Bruh if u take that it will kill you."
Patient: "Oh."
by Vexacon June 17, 2021
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1. What seems to be a great guy, but is actually the complete opposite.

2. A poor imitation of a soulmate/awesome guy.

Derived from the phrase:

"My knight in shining armour turned out to be a loser in aluminium foil"
Marquesa: I don't know why she's still dating him.

Calpurnia: I know, he's just a loser in aluminium foil.
by TeapotOfKarma April 14, 2009
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A woman who gives sexual favors in exchange for bags of recyclables, most commonly aluminium cans. The term originated near the scrapyards in WW2, when women would use these favors to encourage others to pitch-in on the War effort.
"I was taking my cans down to scrap for beer money, when i ran into an Aluminium Slag. Ten minutes later she had my cans and i needed a wet-nap!
by GrumpiestBear March 13, 2023
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An aluminium fold is when your buttcrack is so wet it goes kind of silver and hard but lightweight aswell.
yo bro last night i had the worst case of aluminium folds!.
by blazefister69.420.666 November 28, 2019
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It's like Illuminati Conspiracy but much worse, usually when there's something that's not logical, nonsensical, or ridiculously not so reality logic.
1: So, how did Spongebob make fire underwater?
2: I don't know but that's one Aluminium Conspiracy


Boy 1: What's the use of hair nipples even tho it's not even useful
Boy 2: ...Aluminium Conspiracy
by DanishThaMenace December 18, 2021
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