A group a people from Hawaii that racist people use to defend themselves while being racist but claiming they're not at the same time.
"He's illegal because he does not speak English. I'm not racist! My little nephew's Italian, Mexican, and Aloha! Also my dad is black"
by ShanaBanana82 September 20, 2019
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A hawaiian word meaning “hello

Aloha could also be a name regardless of your ethnicity and you don’t have to be hawaiian to be named “Aloha”
Hi, Aloha!
by beetlepimp June 2, 2020
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Ohio sounds like, "Oh", "High", and "Oh", and so "Aloha" is da "opposite" sounding --- "Ah, "Low", and "Ah".
by QuacksO October 24, 2018
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A sexual move where one person pleasures a female by stimulating the clitoris with a movement of the thumb, the vagina by movement of the knuckles of the first three fingers, and inserts the thumb into the anus. A tropical variant of the shocker which requires more lubricant. Named due to the shape the hand creates which is the "Shaka" or "Hang Loose" symbol.
The shocker didn't get her going; so, I switched to the aloha. She went nuts after that!

Man, that girl was a freak. She had me aloha-ing all night.
by Smokin Jay March 26, 2010
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Some word every single white blonde thot says and shake they ass too and I’m not talking normal typical average thot I’m talking biggest school wide thot that slept with the whole football team and people 69 grades above them thot lvl and not just them every girls says it to think highly of themself of think they coo but in reality they don’t even know what it means
“white chick blonde hair:aloha I yet yet big booty bitch” “yo dude it was so hard watching this last night with 1 hand on tik tok cuz the other hand had a barret .50 cal in my mouth on the trigger “
by Niggernigga69 November 20, 2020
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A 'step up' from the 'Alpha Male', which nearly invariably is assigned not to a free and independent man, but rather a cocky and arrogant, "bossy"-type - the Aloha Male is at peace holistically with his universe.

His is a transcendent state, requiring no hierarchy, and in which the concepts of 'alpha male' and 'beta male' etc. have no bearing; since anyone who attains this degree of primal harmonious independence has neither compulsion to lead, nor follow, nor compete - no sensation of having anything left to prove, either to other people, or to himself.

He has 'arrived', and remains, happy and self-satisfied. The epitome of successfulness.
"Have you ever noticed how James Bond literally NEVER needs to give orders, pull rank, or beg favours? Everyone who meets him appreciates and respects him, because he is so obviously at peace with himself, even while doing battle! What an Aloha male!"
by Johnny Soporno November 28, 2011
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An nickname bestowed on Boeing 737-200 N73711 (Boeing c/n 20209) of Aloha Airlines. On April 28 1988, this aircraft (flying as Aloha flight 243) was flying from Hilo, Hawaii to Honolulu at 24,000 feet. An 18 foot section of the cabin roof separated and a flight attendant was lost overboard in the resulting decompression. Everyone else stayed in their seats, and the crew was able to make an emergency landing in Maui. The accident was later determined to be due to metal fatigue, and resulted in more demanding inspection and maintenance requirements for high cycle aircraft.
We do dye penetration inspections on our aircraft because no one wants another Aloha convertible.
by avgfhadsfkjbvhadsfjhbv October 2, 2006
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