From the genus "agricultural" . . . To flip out with anger like an agry farmer with a big tractor.
He went agro on us.
by angelalines June 24, 2009
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To aggrivate or antagonize someone, be it intentional or otherwise.
I agroed Hayley when I treid going backdoor on her without doing any prep work
by Dcarrie February 4, 2008
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To violently beat the living shit out of anyone or anything that pisses you off.
If you don't pass the pipe I'm gonna go agro on your ass.
by Rhynoo July 8, 2005
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A very usable word for a kind of mix between something that is mainly really bad and something that still seemed to be calling for some attention and interest. As a new word, it has been expressed with a kind of aware confusion, blending a variety of meanings given by the context.

Probable origin: Corona del Mar (CA, USA) around 1990.
Oh, that's so agro!
He/She/I is/am so agro.
by Martin O April 24, 2007
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A person is agro when they are spitting mad, screaming, and yelling, and every vein in their head is about to bust!
by monarae July 15, 2008
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The name of Wander's--the main character--horse in Shadow of the Colossus, significant if only because the AI engine that dictates his behavior is, by far, one of the most complex and realistic animal behavior engines to date. The horse is not without its eccentrics, however, and is prone to rather confusing responses when you issue him commands.
On foot, it will take forever to reach this Colossus. Riding Agro might reduce that time by half if I can ever get him to come over here!
by Jason Robertson March 12, 2006
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